Сладки от ронливо маслено тесто

Котешки очи

270 г прясно масло;
100 г пудра захар;
1 суров жълтък;
4 твърдо сварени жълтъка;
лимонова кора;
350 - 400 г брашно.

Сварени жълтъци се претриват със захарта. Поставят се суровият жълтък, после маслото, лимоновата кора. Замесва се тесто, което се претрива 10 - 15 минути. Разточва се на 2 - 3 мм дебел пласт. Изрязват се кръгове с водна чаша. На половината от тях се изрязват по 2 кръгчета с напръстник. След като се изпекат, се слепват цял кръг с кръг с очи с помощта на мармалад. Поръсват се с пудра захар. В дупчиците се слага черешово сладко. С шоколадова глазура се правят мустачки.


Приготвят се от същото тесто, което леко се оцветява. С плосък шприц или с ръка се правят 1 см широки ленти, които се нарязват на 3 см дължина. Пекат се. Слепват се по две с фондан. Потопяват се от единия край в шоколадова глазура и се овалват в смлени орехи.

Източник: М.Вълкова, Св.Константинова, "Наука за храненето. Учебник за І и ІІ курс на практическите селскостопански зимни училища", държавно издателство за селскостопанска литература, София, 1959 г

Маслени бисквити

250 г масло прясно краве;
250 г захар пудра;
500 г брашно бяло;
200 г смлени орехови ядки;
2 бр. яйца;
2 г канела мляна.
Добив - 1,100 кг.

Начин на приготвяне:
Брашното, пудрата захар, маслото и ореховите ядки се смесват добре. Към тях се прибавят яйцата и канелата, сместа се омесва на сравнително твърдо тесто, което се разточва на ленти, те се нарязват на парченца с големина на орех, нареждат се в тави и се пекат в умерена фурна. Топлите бисквити се посипват с пудра захар.

Захаринки ронливи

5,055 кг брашно бяло;
2 кг захар пясък;
11,7 бр. яйца;
450 г масло прясно краве;
1,131 кг прясно мляко;
133 г амонячна сода;
и 8 г есенция.
Добив - 100 бр. по 78 г.

Начин на приготвяне:
Брашното се пресява, поставя се в подходящ съд, като в средата се отваря кладенче за замесване.
1,055 кг захар пясък,  1,131 кг мляко прясно, 750 г вода,  11,7 бр. яйца, 450 г масло прясно разтопено и 8 г есенция се разбиват продължително без затопляне до пълно разтваряне на захарта. Ако е наложително сместа да бъде затоплена, то след това същата трябва да се охлажда, след което се прибавя 133 г амонячна сода, пресята в сито, и сместа наново се разбърква и поставя в брашното. Замесва се тесто със средна гъстота. Същото се размерва на 5 равни части. Така размерените теста се оформят на овални продълговати ленти, като всяка се нарязва на по 20 бр. Малките парченца теста се оформят в елипсовидна форма, като горната им повърхност се панира със захар пясък, след което се нареждат в ламаринени тави за печене. Пекат се във фурна с температура 200 С. Така приготвените захаринки имат характерен вкус на вложените материали. Намират добър пласмент като сухи и трайни сладкарски изделия.

Източник: Любомир Ангелов, Александър Бакърджиев, „Технология на сладкарското производство”, изд. „Земиздат”, 1972 г.

Маслени бисквити с карамфил

Съотношение на материалите:
Брашно   0,500 кг;
Захар пудра  0,250 кг;
Прясно масло  0,250 кг;
Ситно смлени орехи  0,200 кг;
карамфил, ситно счукан  10 цветчета;
Яйца  2 бр.

Брашното, захарта, ореховите ядки и маслото се смесват добре. Към тях се прибавят яйцата и карамфиловият прах и сместа се замесва на твърдо и гладко тесто, което се разточва на фитили. Фитилите се нарязват на топчета с големина на орех. Топчетата се нареждат в тавичка, като отгоре им се прави малка вдлъбнатинка. Изпичат се при умерена температура. Горещите топчета се напудрят обилно с пудра захар, нареждат се в плътно затворен съд, в който престояват до следващия ден, за да получат по-приятен вкус и хрупкава консистенция.

Източник: Н. Битраков, Т. Каранешев, Хр. Хаджиниколов, Г. Любенов, Е. Конов, „Технология и пласмент на сладкарските изделия”, изд. „Техника”, 1960 г.

Fig Newtons


1 egg;
1/2 cup sugar;
1/2 cup molasses;
3 tablespoonfuls hot water;
1/2 teaspoonful soda;
vanilla (strong);
Flour to roll. 

Make a syrup of sugar and water; add 1/2 pound chopped figs and stew till thick enough to spread. Roll dough thin, spread with the figs, cut out, fold over and pinch the edges together; use a sauce dish as cutter.
Mrs. H.B.Carpenter

Източник: "The North Church Cook Book", Published by The Woman's Association of the North Congregational Church, Press of The Caledonian Company, St.Johnsbury, Vermont, 1902.

Fig Newtons or Fig Bars

Mix together 3 pounds bread flour, 1  1/2 pounds sugar, 2 ounces baking powder, a pinch of salt. Rub in 12 ounces lard and mix with 1  1/2 pints milk into a smooth rolling paste; flavor as desired. Roll out into 1/8-inch-thick sheet, cut in 3-inch-wide strips. Spread some ready-made fig jam with bag and flat tube in the center, fold the sides over the jam, and set strips on pan. Mark in bars, and cut after baking, or cut in pieces before baking.

Източник: Paul Richards, "Cakes for Bakers", Bakers' helper Co, Chicago, 1921.

Fig Newtons

Cream one-half cupful of butter with one cupful of sugar; add one egg well beaten, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-half cupful of milk, one teaspoonful of vanilla extract, three cupfuls of flour and three teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Roll out like pie crust, cut in strips three inches wide and spread with the following paste: Chop one cupful of figs, put them into a saucepan with one cupful of boiling water, add one-half cupful of sugar mixed with two tablespoonfuls of flour. Boil for five minutes and cool and use. Place another strip of dough on the top, cut in oblongs and bake in a quick oven.

Източник: Marion Harris Neil, "Favorite recipes cook book. A complete culinary guide", F.M.Lupton - publisher, New York, 1917.
Източник: Marion Harris Neil, "Favorite recipes cook book. A complete culinary guide", Willey book Co., New York, 1935.

Fig Newtons

1 cup honey;
1 cup shortening;
1 cup sugar;
2 eggs;
juice and rind of 1/2 lemon;
6  1/2 cups flour;
2 teaspoons baking powder;
1 teaspoon soda;
1 teaspoon salt.

Cream honey, shortening and sugar. Add beaten eggs, lemon juice and rind. Add flour which has been sifted three times with baking powder, salt and soda. Roll dough quite thin; cut into strips about six inches long and three inches wide. Put filling in center of the strip and lap sides over. Bake 15 minutes, 400 F. Cool. Cut into desired size, crosswise.

Fig filling

4 cups ground figs;
1 cup honey and 1/4 cup water;
juice of 1/2 lemon and 1/2 orange.

Cook 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool before using.

Източник: "Old favorite honey recipes", American honey institute, Madison, Wisconsin, 1941.

Fig Newtons

1/2 cup shortening;
1  1/2 cups sugar;
1 well-beaten egg;
1/2 cup milk;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1/2 teaspoon salt;
3 cups flour;
3 teaspoons baking powder;
1 cup figs, chopped.

Cream butter and 1 cup sugar. Add egg and beat until light. Mix milk and vanilla. Sift salt, flour and baking powder together and add alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Blend well. Roll out to 1/8-inch thickness on slightly floured board in a rectangle. Put figs in saucepan with remaining sugar and 1 cup boiling water. Boil 5 minutes. Cool. Spread cooked mixture over 1/2 of the dough. Cover with uncovered half of dough. Cut in oblongs. Bake in quick oven (400 F) 12 to 15 minutes.

Източник: Lily Haxworth Wallace, "The Lily Wallace New american cook book", Books Inc., New York, 1949.

Fig cookies (Filled)

1 cup sugar;
1/2 cup butter;
1/2 cup milk;
1 egg;
3  1/2 cups flour;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1 teaspoon soda;
2 teaspoons cream of tartar.


1/2 cup sugar;
1/2 cup water;
1 teaspoon flour;
1 cup chopped figs.

Cook until thick. Cut out the cookies, spread a teaspoon of filling between each two and bake.
Mrs. Mary House

Източник: "The West Bend Cook Book", Published by Hattie E. Crump, Lake Mills, Wisconsin

Chocolate chip cookies

Chocolate chip cookies

1/2 cup fat;
1/2 cup granulated sugar;
1/4 cup brown sugar;
1 beaten egg;
1 tablespoon water;
1/2 teaspoon vanilla;
1  1/4 cups flour;
1/4 teaspoon salt;
1/2 teaspoon soda;
1 (7- or 8- ounce) package of semi-sweet chocolate;
1/2 cup chopped nuts.

Cream fat and sugars. Add egg, water, and vanilla. Beat well. Add flour sifted with salt and soda. Cut chocolate into coarse pieces, about 4 - 6 pieces to 1 ounce. Stir chocolate and nuts into mixture. Drop from teaspoon, 2 inches apart, on unoiled baking sheet. Bake in moderate oven (375 F) 20 minutes. Serve while fresh as these cookies stale quickly. 36 cookies.

Източник: "Practical cookery and the etiquette and service of the table", Departament of food economics and nutrition, Kansas state college of agriculture and applied science, Manhattan, 1941.

Chocolate chip cookies

1/2 cup butter;
1/2 cup honey;
1 small egg;
1 cup sifted flour;
1 teaspoon baking powder;
1/4 teaspoon salt;
1/2 teaspoon vanilla;
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips;
1/4 cup nut meats chopped.

Cream butter and honey until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Sift flour, baking powder and salt twice. Add flour mixture to butter mixture; then add vanilla and blend all well. Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Chill and drop by teaspoonfuls on greased cooky sheet. Bake at 375 F for 12 minutes.

Източник: "Old favorite honey recipes", American honey institute, Madison, Wisconsin, 1941.

Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookies

1 cup butter, add
3/4 cup brown sugar;
3/4 cup granulated sugar and
2 eggs beaten whole. Dissolve
1 tsp. soda in
1 tsp. hot water, and mix
alternately with
2  1/4 cups flour sifted with
1 tsp. salt.
Lastly add
1 cup chopped nuts and
2 bars (7 oz.) Nestles yellow label chocolate, semi-sweet,
which has been cut in pieces the size of a pea.
Flavor with
1 tsp. vanilla and drop half teaspoons on a greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes in 375 F oven. Makes 100 cookies.

Източник: Ruth Graves Wakefield, "Ruth Wakefield's Toll House Tried and True Recipes", M.Barrows&Company, Ink, New York, 1940.

Chocolate crunch cookies

1/2 cup butter;
3/4 cup mixed brown and white sugar;
1 egg;
4 squares slightly sweet chocolate;
1  1/4 cups cake flour;
1 teaspoon soda;
1/2 cup nuts;

Melt chocolate over hot water. (In using unsweetened bitter chocolate, add three tablespoons sugar to the recipe.)
Cream butter, add sugar gradually and beat until smooth. Add well-beaten egg and sifted dry ingredients. Fold in chopped nuts. Drop from the tip of a teaspoon on a well-greased baking pan. Bake twelve to fifteen minutes in a slow oven, 300 F.

Източник: Nellie I. Brown, "Recipes from old hundred 200 Years of New England Cooking", M.Barrows and company, New York, 1939.

Chocolate crunches

1 c. shortening;
3/4 c. granulated sugar;
3  1/4 c. dark brown sugar; (вероятно печатна грешка)
2 egg, beaten;
2  1/2 c. all-purpose flour;
1 t. salt;
1 t. baking powder;
1 t. soda;
1 t. hot water;
1 t. vanilla;
1 c. chopped nuts;
14 to 16 ozs. semi-sweet chocolate.

Cream shortening, add the sugar and beat well; add beaten eggs. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together and add to first mixture alternately with one teaspoon soda dissolved in the teaspoon of hot water. Add vanilla, nuts, chocolate (chocolate must be cut in pieces the size of peas), and drop on greased pan. Bake ten to fifteen minutes on greased pan at 375 F. This will make about eight dozen cookies.

Източник: "Favorite and original recipes of the members of the San Joaquin county Farm Home Departament of the Farm Bureau", 1941.

Chocolate crunch cookies

1/2 cup butter;
3/8 cup brown sugar
or 6 tbsp.;
3/8 cup granulated sugar;
1 egg;
1  cup and 2 tbsp. flour;
1/4 tsp. soda;
1/4 tsp. salt;
1/2 tsp. vanilla;
1/2 cup nuts;
1/2 lb. sweet chocolate cut in 1/4 inch pieces.

Cream butter and sugar and blend in other ingredients. Let dough chill and drop 1 tsp. at a time on a buttered tin. Bake 7 to 9 min. at 400 F - Cool before taking from tin. Makes 65.

Източник: "The new Milwaukee cook book", Volunteer Committee of visiting nurse association of Milwaukee, 1938.

Chocolate chip cookies

1 cup butter or substitute;
3/4 cup brown sugar;
3/4 cup white sugar;
2 eggs;
1 tablespoon soda dissolved in 2 teaspoons hot water;
1 cup nuts;
2  1/2 cups flour;
1  1/2 teaspoon salt;
2 teaspoons vanilla;
1 lb. semi-sweet chocolate cut in tiny pieces.

Drop by teaspoon on cookie sheet and bake in moderate oven. Makes about 6 doz.
Mrs. Fred Brown

Източник: "Ebell recipes". Long Beach, California, 1939.

"Quiddy" chocolate cookies

1/2 cup butter;
3/4 cup brown sugar;
3/4 cup white sugar;
2 eggs;
1 cup plus 2 tbsp. flour;
1/4 tsp. soda;
1/2 tsp. salt;
1 tbsp. vanilla;
1 cup chopped walnuts;
1 package 8-oz. dot chocolate;
2 squares bitter chocolate.

Cream butter and sugar, add beaten eggs and remainder of ingredients, the chocolate having been chopped into small bits about the size of peas. Drop 1/2 teaspoons of batter about 1 inch apart on greased cookie sheet and bake in 400 F oven for 7 to 9 minutes. Cookies should be very thin and crisp.
Mrs. B. B. Lippman

Източник: "The assistance league cook book", The assistance league of San Pedro, California, 1939.

"Toll house" chocolate crunch cookies

Mrs. Alva B. Morgan
1 cup butter;
3/4 cup white sugar;
3/4 cup brown sugar;
2 eggs;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1/2 teaspoon salt;
1 teaspoon soda in 1 tablespoon hot water;
2  1/4 cups flour;
1 cup broken nut meats;
1 pound Nestle's semi-sweet chocolate cut up the size of a pea.

Drop by spoonfuls on cookie sheet. Bake at 375 F.

Източник: "The Presbyterian cook book", The woman's guild, the Noroton presbyterian church

Chunky chocolate cookies

1 cup fat;
2/3 cup granulated sugar;
2/3 cup brown sugar;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1/2 teaspoon salt;
3 eggs, beaten;
1/2 pound sweet chocolate - cut in small pieces;
1/4 cup hot water;
3  1/2 cups flour;
1 teaspoon soda;
1/2 teaspoon baking powder;
2/3 cups nuts (optional).

Cream fat and sugar until soft, add other ingredients, mixing lightly. Chill dough. Break off bits and flatten down three inches apart in greased baking sheets, bake in a moderate oven. Dipping chocolate can be used or candy bars which are not very sweet. The chocolate in little chunks throughout the cookies gives an interest-flavor and crunchiness.
Martha Hunter Wall, Junior King's Daughter

Източник: "The King's Daughters' cook book", Clarksville, Tennessee, 1940.

Russian tea cakes (cookies)

Russian tea cakes

1 cup Crisco; (butter)
1/2 cup powdered sugar;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
2  1/4 cups flour;
1/4 teaspoon salt;
3/4 cups finely chopped walnuts.

Cream butter, add sugar, add vanilla and mix. Sift flour once before measuring, then sift flour and salt together and add to creamed mixture gradually - with the hands blend in chopped walnuts. Form into balls approximately 1 inch in diameter and place on cookie tin 1/2 inch apart. Bake 14 to 17 minutes in 300 - degree (F) oven. While cookies are still warm roll in powdered sugar, insuring a generous coating.
Mrs. R. H. Bell

Източник: "Favorite recipes of the navy and marine corps - San Diego area", contributed by Descendants of Early Settlers of San Diego county, 1950, 1951.

Russian tea cakes

1 cup shortening;
1/2 cup sugar (XXXX);
2  1/4 cups sifted flour;
1/4 tsp. salt;
1 tsp. vanilla;
3/4 cup nut meats (chopped fine).

Cream shortening, add sugar gradually and cream well. Sift flour and salt together, then add to creamed mixture, working with the hand. Blend in vanilla and nuts, working them in with the hands also. Chill dough, if necessary, to make it easier to handle. Form into balls about 1 inch in diameter. Place 2 inches apart on very lightly greased heavy baking sheet. Bake 14 - 17 min. in moderately hot oven (400 F). Watch cookies carefully after they have been in the oven for a little while as they brown very suddenly. While cookies are still warm, roll them in confectioner's sugar. Let them cool, then roll in confectioner's sugar again. To keep these cookies crispy and good flavor, store them (when cooled) in a can with a loose cover in a cool place.
Note: Unless the nuts are very finely chopped these cookies will split when baking.
Mrs. Ralph Haner, Eighty-fifth Unit

Източник: "The Oneida County Home Bureau Cook Book", New York state, Home bureaus, 1919-1949.

Mexican tea cookie

2  1/2  cups flour;
1 cup butter;
3/4 cup confectioner's sugar;
1  1/2 teaspoon vanilla;
1/4 teaspoon salt.

Cream butter, add ingredients, make a stiff dough. Chill in refrigerator 3 hours, make into cookies about 1 inch in diameter. Bake on a buttered cookie sheet in hot oven from 10 to 15 minutes, remove, and roll them in confectioner's sugar. When cool roll in sugar again. Makes about 5  1/2 dozen.

Източник: "Western mexican cook book", Alfonso C. Pain, Joe F. Carithers, 1959.


1/2 c. butter;
1/2 c. shortening;
1 tsp. vanilla;
2 c. flour, sifted;
3/4 c. finely chopped nut meats;
1/2 c. powdered sugar to dust the cookies.

Cream butter, shortening, and vanilla. Add flour and nut meats. Shape into small balls; place these on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in gas oven, at 425 F, about 10 min. Dust with powdered sugar while cookies are still warm. Yield: Approx. 5 doz., depending on size.

Източник: "Fiesta foods. California dishes in the mexican tradition", Southern california gas company


1 c. flour;
1/2 tsp. baking powder;
1/4 c. powdered sugar;
1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
1/2 c. butter.

Cut butter into dry ingredients. Shape into small balls and bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 350 degrees F for 10 to 15 minutes, or until brown. When partly cool, roll in sifted powder sugar.

Източник: "Cuidar. Book of mexican cookery"


7/8 cup shortening;
4 teaspoons powdered sugar;
(combine and beat until creamy);
2 cups cake flour;
1 cup walnuts;
2 teaspoons vanilla;
1 teaspoon water.

Chill until firm. Roll in balls. Bake 350. While warm, roll in powdered sugar.
Mrs. B. W. Hunte

Източник: "The Ghost tree cook book", The army and navy officers' wives of Monterey Peninsula, California, 1944. 

Prize pecan tea balls

You'll like to serve these for tea parties. Make them small because they are very rich and break apart if they're too large.
Yield: 3 dozen small balls
Baking time: about 20 minutes

1/2 cup butter or margarine;
1/4 cup sugar;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1 cup sifted all-purpose flour;
1/4 teaspoon salt;
1 cup finely chopped pecans.

Beat together the butter, sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Stir in the flour, salt and pecans. Mix well to combine all ingridients. This is a stiff dough. Dip out a rounded teaspoonful of dough. Shape into a one-inch ball between palms of the hands. Place the balls about 2 inches apart on an ungreased cooky sheet. Bake in a slow oven (325 F) about 20 minutes. Cool on a cake rack. Store loosely covered. Keep dry and cool. Roll in sifted confectioners' powdered sugar just before serving.

Източник: Beth Bailey McLean, "Modern homemaker's cookbook", M. Barrows & company Inc., New York, 1950.

Pecan balls

Cream 2/3 cup butter, add 1 cup ground pecan meats, 1 cup flour, 3 tablespoons sugar, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Work with fingers until well blended. Pinch off bits and roll into balls the size of large marbles. Bake on lightly buttered cooky sheet in moderately hot oven (375 degrees F) about 10 minutes. While still hot, roll in powdered sugar, divided into two piles. Roll first in one, then the other.
Makes 60 pecan balls
Rachel Brown (Mrs. W. S.)

Mexican Wedding Cakes

1/2 cup shortening;
1 cup flour;
1/2 cup nuts, chopped finely;
2 tablespoons powdered sugar;
1 teaspoon vanilla.

Roll into pieces size of walnuts and bake on a greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees F for 15 minutes or until slightly brown. After removing from oven, roll in powdered sugar. These are served with wine at Mexican weddings. They are good with tea and coffee, easy to make.
Betty Faucett (Mrs. R. E.)

Източник: "Dolphin dishes. The submarine cook book with favorite recipes of the families of the submarine force, united states navy", 1952, 1963.

Mexican tea cookies

1 cup shortening;
1  1/4 cups sugar;
1 egg, beaten;
1/3 cup orange juice;
1 tsp. grated rind;
1/2 cup ground pecan meats;
4 cups flour;
1/2 tsp. cloves;
1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
1 tsp. baking powder;
1/4 tsp. salt.

Cream sugar and shortening. Add egg, orange juice, rind and pecans. Add dry ingredients. Roll very thin and cut. Bake 10 minutes at 450 F. (100 cookies)
Mrs. Monroe H. McConnell

Butter balls

2 cups flour;
1 cup butter;
1/2 cup powdered sugar;
1/2 tsp. vanilla;
3/4 cup walnuts.

Mix flour, sugar, butter, and vanilla. Make into small balls, place on ungreased sheet, flatten each ball slightly and place a nut in center of each. Bake 30 minutes in 350 F. Remove and roll immediately in powdered sugar.
Miss Gladys G. Henderson

Източник: "Club house cook book of favorite recipes", American association of university women San Diego Branch, 1946.

Almond balls

3/4 pound butter;
1 cup sugar;
3 cups flour;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1 cup ground almonds.

Make into small balls. Flaten with fork prongs. Bake at 250 degrees and roll in powdered sugar.
Mrs. Joy

Източник: "Good shepherd cook book: cook book of tested recipes", Syracuse, New York, 1938.


Honey Peanut rocks

1 cup honey;
1 cup butter;
2 tablespoons milk;
2 cups flour;
1 teaspoon baking powder;
1 teaspoon soda;
2 cups oatmeal;
1 cup chopped raisins;
1 cup chopped peanuts.

Sift dry ingredients together. Cream butter and honey well. Add oatmeal, raisins and peanuts. Then dry ingredients and milk. Drop on greased cooky sheet. Bake at 300 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Източник: "California honey and how to use it", compliments of California State Beekeepers' association, Souvenir book of Golden gate international exposition, 1939.

Princeton rocks

1 cupful butter;
3  1/2 cupfuls flour;
1/2 cupful hot water;
1 rounding teaspoonful baking powder sifted in flour;
1  1/2 cupfuls sugar;
2 eggs;
1 teaspoonful soda dissolved in hot water;
1 teaspoonful ground cloves;
3 teaspoonfuls cinnamon;
1  1/2 pounds chopped nuts.

Mix; drop from a teaspoon, far apart, on buttered pans.
Mrs. William J. Driver, wife of congressman Driver (Arkansas)

Източник: "The Congressional cook book", The Congressional club, Washington, D.C., 1933.

Chocolate rocks

1 cup sugar;
1/2 cup butter;
3/4 cup milk;
1 egg;
2 cups flour;
1 teaspoon baking powder;
1 cup nuts;
1 cup raisins;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
2 squares chocolate.

Mix in order given. Add beaten white of egg last. Bake in moderate oven.
Grace T. Adams (Lambda)

Chocolate rocks

3/4 cup granulated sugar;
3/4 cup brown sugar;
3 eggs;
2  1/2 heaping teaspoons baking powder;
1 tablespoon grated chocolate, or cocoa;
2 teaspoons nutmeg;
2 teaspoons cinnamon;
1 teaspoon vanilla;
1/2 cup home-made wine or grape juice;
2  1/2 cups flour;
1 teaspoon cloves;
1/4 teaspoon salt;
2 cups seeded raisins;
1 cup English walnuts.

Cream butter and sugar, add wine, spices and chocolate. Allow to stand one-half cup of the flour to the raisins.
Miriam Starrett (Kappa)

Date rocks

1 cup butter;
1  1/2 cups sugar;
3 eggs;
2  1/2 cups flour;
2 pounds dates;
1 pounds walnuts, before shelling;
1 teaspoon soda in
1/2 cup hot water;
1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1/2 teaspoon cloves.

Drop from spoon. Have quick oven.
Mary Basset Bray (Lambda)

Източник: "Delta gamma cook book", published by Lambda Nu chapter, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1922.


Pumpkin cookies

Cream ......................... 1  1/4 c. brown sugar;
                                      1/2 c. shortening;
Add ............................. 2 eggs well beaten;
                                      1  1/2 c. pumpkin;
                                      1 tsp. vanilla;
                                      1 tsp. lemon;
Sift and mix ................ 2  1/2 c. flour;
                                     4 tsp. B.P. - baking powder;
                                     1/2 tsp. salt;
                                     1/2 tsp. nutmeg;
                                     1/2 tsp. ginger;
                                     1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
Add ............................ 1 c. raisins or dates;
                                    1 c. chopped nuts.

Drop by teaspoonfuls on well greased sheet. Bake 15 minutes at 400 F. Makes 5 dozen.
Adelia Kratz, Colloquium

Източник: "Our favorite recipes", The Youngstown Federation of Women's Clubs Inc.

Мерни единици (американски):

lb. - фунт, паунд (от libra) = pound
16 squares chocolate = 1 lb.
1 square chocolate = 1 oz.
(1 lb. = 16 oz.)
1 lb. = 453,6 = 453, 592374 g
1 cup = 240 ml

Baking temperature chart

Very slow  225 F  to   250 F;
Slow          250 F  to  300 F;
Moderate  300 F  to  350 F;
Hot            350 F to  400 F;
Quick        400 F to  450 F;
Very hot    450 F to  550 F;
Broil          600 F.
Източник: "Favorite recipes: Fifth edition", published by the Brattleboro woman's club, Brattleboro, Vermont, 1938.

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