Flemish carbonade
2 1/2 pounds boneless beef chuck, cut in cubes;
1/2 cup all-purpose flour;
2 teaspoons salt;
1/2 teaspoon pepper;
2 tablespoons shortening;
1/4 cup butter or margarine;
4 medium onions, sliced;
1 12-ounce can or bottle beer;
1 clove garlic, peeled;
3 sprigs parsley;
1 bay leaf;
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme;
2 2-inch pieces celery.
Dredge meat with flour, then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Heat shortening in a Dutch oven or heavy skillet until very hot. Add meat and brown on all sides. Meanwhile, melt butter or margarine in a skillet and saute onion slices until tender. Add sauteed onions, beer and garlic clove speared with a wooden pick. Place parsley, bay leaf and thyme in the curve of one piece of celery. Cover with second piece of celery. Tie securely with a white string. Add to carbonade. Cover and cook over low heat 1 1/4 hours, or until tender. Discard garlic and celery mixture. Skim off the surface fat. Serves 4 - 6.
Източник: Mary Margaret McBride's, "Harvest of American cooking", изд. "G.P. Putnam's sons", New York, 1957.
Flemish carbonades
Take four pounds of beef - there is a cut near the neck that is suitable for this recipe. Cut the meat in small pieces (square) and fry them in a pan. In another pan put a piece of refined fat and fry in it five big onions that you have finely chopped. When these are well browned, add to them the meat, sprinkling in also pepper, salt, mixed herbs. Cover all with water, and let it cook for an hour with the lid on. After an hour's cooking, add half a glass of beer, a slice of crumb of bread with a light layer of mustard and three tablespoonsfuls of best vinegar. Let it cook again for three quarters of an hour. If the sauce is not thick enough, add a little flour, taking care that it boils up again afterwards.
Източник: Mrs. Brian Luck, "The Belgian cook-book", изд. "E.P. Dutton & Company", New York, 1915.
България (от чужди книги)
Pile yahnia
1/4 pound butter;
2 4 1/2 pound chickens, disjointed;
3 onions, chopped;
3 teaspoons salt;
1 teaspoon paprika;
2 tablespoons flour;
2 tablespoons tomato paste;
1 1/2 cups water;
1 pound uncooked chestnuts, peeled;
Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the chicken and brown on all sides. Add the onions. Cover and cook over medium heat until the onions begin to brown. Add the salt, paprika, and flour, mixing well. Mix the tomato paste and water together and add to the previous mixture, stirring well. Add the chestnuts. Cover and cook over low heat for 2 hours, or until the chicken is tender. Stir occasionally. Add water if the saucepan becomes dry. Serve hot.
Fried brains croquettes
Kiufteta ot mozak
3 calves' brains;
2 cups water;
1 tablespoon vinegar;
1/4 pound butter;
1 onion, chopped;
1 slice white bread, trimmed;
1/4 cup milk;
1 teaspoon salt;
1/2 teaspoon pepper;
2 tablespoons chopped parsley;
3 eggs, beaten;
1/4 cup flour;
1/2 cup bread crumbs.
Wash the brains. Place in a saucepan with the water and vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Drain. Plunge into cold water and set aside for 30 minutes. Drain. Remove the membrane and chop fine. Melt 2 tablespoons of the butter in a saucepan. Add the onion and saute for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Soak the bread in the milk for 5 minutes. Squeeze all the liquid out of it. Combine the brains, sauteed onion, bread, salt, pepper, and parsley together, and chop until smooth. Add 2 of the eggs, mixing until well blended. Shape into small croquettes. Dip in flour, then the remaining egg, and finally in the bread crumbs. Melt the remaining butter in a saucepan and fry until brown on both sides. Serve at once.
Източник: Myra Waldo, "Pan American's complete round-the-world cookbook", изд. "Doubleday & Company, Inc.", Garden City, New York, 1962.
Sauce for croquette mixtures
3 tablespoons butter;
5 tablespoons flour;
1 cup stock or milk;
salt and pepper;
celery salt;
lemon juice;
few drops onion juice.
Melt butter; add flour, seasonings and milk. Cook until thick. This sauce is sufficient to thicken two cups of meat, for all kinds of croquettes. It may be varied by adding two egg yolks or one egg.
Chicken croquettes
2 cups chicken meats;
salt, pepper, lemon juice;
1 cup croquette sauce;
onion juice.
Cut meat in small pieces; add seasonings and White sauce. Shape, dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs, and fry in deep fat. These croquettes may be varied by adding one fourth cup of chopped mushrooms, ham, sweetbreads or truffles. More or less sauce is required according to the dryness of chicken.
Meat, rice, and tomato croquettes
1 cup chopped meat;
1 cup hot rice;
1 cup croquette sauce made with tomato instead of milk;
salt, pepper and cayenne;
lemon juice;
onion juice.
Mix ingredients in order given; shape; dip in crumbs, egg and crumbs; fry in deep fat.
Източник: Maria Howard, "Lowney's cook book", published by the Walter M. Lowney Co., Boston, 1907.
Chicken croquettes
Three or four pounds or the meat of one chicken, salt, pepper, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one-fourth teaspoon celery seed, parsley; chop the meat fine, but not like hash; use all parts of the chicken; then add the cream sauce.
For the cream sauce
Two tablespoons of butter warmed in a pan with three heaping spoons of flour; when thoroughly mixed add gradually one pint of milk; stirring all the time until smooth like paste, add to the chicken while hot, take out a tablespoon (while warm) onto a board spread with bread crumbs, roll the croquette in the crumbs, then dip in egg mixed with two tablespoons of water (do not beat the eggs light, just mix; for this quantity it takes two eggs). Roll in the crumbs again and drop in boiling lard. This quantity will make twenty croquettes. They are very nice. Veal may be used instead of chicken, or meat, only brown the butter before the flour is put in, and use soup stock instead of milk.
Chestnut croquettes
Shell fifty French chestnuts, cover with water and boil half an hour; pound very fine; add two tablespoons butter, a little salt and mix to a paste. Add a cup of cream, a little at a time; when all is worked together press through a sieve, then beat three eggs until light and stir into this mixture. Cook in a double boiler ten minutes, stirring constantly. Let cool, form into balls or cones; let stand in cool place until hard. Dip in beaten egg and then in fine bread crumbs and fry in deep hot fat until a delicate brown.
Walnut croquettes
(These are fine and make an excellent substitute for meat.)
One cup chopped or ground English walnuts;
one cup mashed potatoes;
one-half teaspoon salt;
one cup bread crumbs;
yolks of three eggs, well beaten;
one teaspoon grated onion.
Mix together thoroughly, shape into any desired form and bake in a moderate oven twenty to thirty minutes.
Източник: Susie Rhodes, Grace Hopkins, "The economy administration cook book", Syndicate publishing company, New York, 1913.